Contact the School of Education
The Baylor School of Education is located in Marrs McLean Science Building. Frequently sought people, offices, and information are listed below. For all other inquiries, please feel free to contact the main office at (254) 710-3111.
Mailing Address:
Baylor School of Education
One Bear Place #97304
Waco, TX 76798-7304
Physical Address:
Baylor School of Education
1214 S. Fourth
Waco, TX 76706
Dean's Office:
Dr. Shanna Hagan-Burke
Dean, Baylor School of Education
Marrs McLean Science, suite 100
Phone: 254-710-3111
Media Inquiries/Alumni Relations/Address Updates:
Meg Cullar, Director of Communications
Marrs McLean Science 132
Phone: 254-710-6435
Department of Curriculum & Instruction:
Dr. Trena Wilkerson, Chair
Marrs McLean Science, second floor
Phone: 254-710-6162
Department of Educational Leadership:
Dr. William Sterrett
Office: Marrs McLean Science 125
Department of Educational Psychology:
Dr. Bree Jimenez, Chair
Marrs McLean Science, third floor
Phone: 254-710-3112