Transfer Policy for Principal and Superintendent Certification Programs
The following criteria must be met for courses, service, and/or experiences to meet Principal (MA School Leadership) and Superintendent (EdD K-12 Educational Leadership) program or certification requirements:
- Courses directly related to the certificate being sought must have been completed within the past five years;
- Up to 6 credit hours of coursework from an accredited master’s or doctoral program may be accepted for course substitution to fulfill School of Education admission and program requirements. Based on a course description and, as appropriate, a course syllabus, the Program Director will evaluate the information and determine if course equivalency or substitution exists.
- No practicum experience requirements completed at another Educator Preparation Program nor National Boards or other certifications will be accepted as a substitute for fulfilling School of Education degree or certification requirements.
- No military or non-military service or training will be accepted as a substitute for fulfilling School of Education degree or certification requirements.