2024 Action Research Symposium
La Vega ISD
Sharon Shields, PhD
Superintendent of Schools
Sandra Gibson
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, & Accountability; Partnership Liaison
Midway ISD
Chris Allen, EdD
Superintendent of Schools
Becky Odajma
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning; Partnership Liaison
Castleman Creek Elementary
Chapel Park Elementary
Hewitt Elementary
Park Hill Elementary
South Bosque Elementary
Spring Valley Elementary
Woodway Elementary
Robinson ISD
Michael Hope, PhD
Superintendent of Schools
Colette Pledger, MSEd
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction; Partnership Liaison
Robinson Elementary
Robinson Primary
Waco ISD
Susan Kincannon, EdD
Superintendent of Schools
Vanessa Ruiz, EdD
Director of Strategic Evaluation Systems & Support; Partnership Liaison
Bell's Hill Elementary
Hillcrest Professional Development School
Secondary & Middle Grades (Horizons)
All LVISD, MISD, RISD, and WISD Intermediate, Middle, and High Schools